Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Texas Woman Files Reglan Lawsuit

A Texas woman has filed a Reglan side effects lawsuit against Wyeth and other pharmaceutical companies responsible for the manufacture and distribution of the gastrointestinal drug. The lawsuit, filed in the District Court for the Northern District of Texas (Amarillo Division), outlines plaintiff Glenda S. Howell's struggle with Reglan side effects. 
Reglan tardive dyskinesia in lawsuit
Plaintiff Howell filed her Reglan lawsuit with a Reglan lawyer after experiencing side effects that have been linked to the medication, namely Reglan tardive dyskinesia. Tardive dyskinesia is a neurological movement disorder that affects patients, especially muscles in the face. Victims of tardive dyskinesia have uncontrollable twitching, movements, or tics in a number of muscles, which can include involuntary eye movements, face movements, mouth tics or tongue protrusions, and other side effects. There is no cure and it usually stays with a patient for life. 

According to the lawsuit filed by Howell's Reglan lawyer, she was prescribed a variant of Reglan to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease and she used the medication from 2002 to 2009. She began to suffer abnormal movements in 2009, and has since been diagnosed with permanent tardive dyskinesia as associated with her Reglan use, according to the claim. 
Reglan lawyer hopes to win damages for plaintiff
The Reglan lawyer for Howell is seeking damages from the manufacturers and distributors of the drug that could help the plaintiff cover costs such as medical bills, lost wages, loss of quality of life, and other significant consequences that have been linked to the complications she has experienced because of Reglan. The pharmaceutical companies, according to the lawsuit filed by Howell's Reglan lawyer, knew enough about the potential side effects of the medications they were manufacturing and distributing that they should have warned patients and medical experts much more thoroughly about the potential risks and side effects associated with the medication.
Although tardive dyskinesia is the side effect most commonly cited in Reglan lawsuits, secondary Parkinson's disease, ocular deviation, and neuroleptic malignant syndrome have also been linked to use of the medication. 

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