Tardive Dyskinesia is a severe neurological movement disease that has been showing up in more and more reports involving Reglan. These reports are forcing patients and doctors to think a little deeper about Reglan. Tardive Dyskinesia is characterized by involuntary muscle movements such as facial grimacing, head jerking, pursing of lips, moving fingers, and more.
In 2009, the Food and Drug Administration finally decided to put a ‘black box warning’ on all packages of Reglan, This warning will help future users of the drug decide whether or not they want to continue with the medicine. While it is a good thing that this warning is being put out, it comes decades too late for some unfortunate patients who have been diagnosed with the side effects that Reglan comes with.
Taking Reglan to Court
Litigation against the makers of Reglan is a very new area in the legal court. If a patient wishes to file a claim against the makers of Reglan, there are certain things that an experienced lawyer would have to do.Eligibility begins with the patient proving two things. First, the patients have to prove that they have a personal prescription of Reglan. The next thing they have to prove is that they took their prescription of Reglan for at least three months. If the patient developed side effects such as tardive dyskinesia, cervical dystonia, or blepharospasm during or after the drug was being taken, the lawyer will probably move forward with the case.
Other determining factors include whether or not Reglan was taken according to instructions, and whether or not there is any evidence from the company itself showing that they tried to warn the patient about the side effects of Reglan.
Claims against the makers of Reglan will also explore what kind of information the manufacturers knew about the side effects of the drug, and whether or not they did enough testing. Reglan is distributed by some of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the nation, and because of this, they should have no excuse.
If a victim of Reglan decides to take them to court, they will have no financial risk, since a lawyer will work under contingency. However, they will have much to gain, since Reglan settlements and jury verdicts in cases like these can be very large.
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